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يَان înseamnă în Engleză

يَان مَايِن

Jan MayenNorwegian territory

يَانَسُون m


يَانَصِيب m

lotteryscheme for the distribution of prizes by lot or chance



YanukovychUkrainian surname


JanusRoman god of doorways, gates and transitions

يَانِينَة f

Ioanninacapital of Epirus

يَانْتَاي m

Yantaia city of China

يَانْجُون m

Yangonlargest city in Myanmar

يَانْدِرِي f

yanderecharacter who fits the archetype of being genuinely kind, loving, or gentle, but suddenly switching to being aggressive or deranged

يَانْدِكْس m

YandexYandex (in other scripts, the trademark may also be written in Roman letters)

يَانْغُون m

Yangonlargest city in Myanmar

يَانْغْتْسِي m

Yangtze3rd longest river in the world

يَانْغْتْشُو m

Yangzhoua prefecture-level city in eastern China

يَانْغْجُو m

Yangzhoua prefecture-level city in eastern China


sometimeson certain occasions, but not always

أَسْيَان m

ASEANAssociation of Southeast Asian Nations

أُوقِيَانُوسِيَا f

Oceaniaid=Q538|geographical region

أُولْيَانُوفْسْك m


إتْيَان m

comingact of arriving; an arrival


shrimpdecapod crustacean


Indianapoliscapital of the State of Indiana, USA

السُّرْيَانِيَّة f


الشَّرْيَان السُّبَاتِيّ m

carotidmajor artery in the head and neck

الكِيَان الصِّهْيُونِيّ m

Zionist entitypejorative term for the State of Israel

اللُّغَة السُّرْيَانِيَّة f


بَارْمِيجْيَانُو m

parmesanhard, full-fat Italian cheese from Parma


manifestopublic declaration

بَيَان m

declarationwritten or oral indication of a fact, opinion, or belief

manifestobsolete: public declaration

بَيَان صَحَفِيّ m

press releaseofficial written media statement

بَيَانٌ مُزْعِج m

spamunsolicited bulk electronic messages

بَيَانَات وَصْفِيَّة f-p

metadatadata that describes data

بِرْيَانِي m

biryanidish of spiced rice

بِيَانُ القِيثَارِي m

harpsichordmusical instrument

بِيَانُو m

pianoa keyboard musical instrument

بْرْيَانْسْك m

Bryanskcity in Russia

بْيُونْيَانْغ f

Pyongyangcapital of North Korea

تِيتِيَان m

Titiansixteenth century Italian painter

تْشَانْغْجْيَانْغ m

Yangtze3rd longest river in the world