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وَلِي înseamnă în Engleză

وَلِي أَمْر m

guardianlaw: person legally responsible for a minor in loco parentis

وَلِيمَة f

banquetlarge celebratory meal|feast

feastlarge, often ceremonial meal

walima(Islam) the marriage banquet held as part of an Islamic wedding

وَلِيَّة f

executrixfemale executor

وَلِيّ m

executorsomeone appointed by a testator to administer a will

saintperson proclaimed as saint

وَلِيّ عَهْد m

crown princenext king

أَرْوَلِيٌّ m

Orwellianof or relating to Orwell, especially his dystopian novels

الْأَلِفْبَائِيَّة الصَّوْتِيَّة الدُّوَلِيَّة f

International Phonetic Alphabetstandardized symbols for speech

اَلْأَبْجَدِيَّة الصَّوْتِيَّة الدُّوَلِيَّة f

International Phonetic Alphabetstandardized symbols for speech


internationallyin an international manner

دُوَلِيّ m

internationalbetween, concerning, or transcending multiple nations

قَانُون دُوَلِيّ m

international lawset of rules applied to the relations between nations

مَحَطَّةُ الفَضَاءِ الدُّوَلِيَّة f

International Space Stationlow-earth orbit space station

مَحْكَمَة الْعَدْلَ الدُّوَلِيَّةِ f

International Court of JusticeUN court

مَطَار دُوَلِيّ m

international airportairport that accepts international flights

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