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هَا înseamnă în Engleză

اِبْتِهَاج m

euphoriaan excited state of joy

اِتِّهَام m

accusationact of accusing or charging with a crime

accusationthat of which one is accused

suspicionact of suspecting something or someone, especially of something wrong

suspicioncondition of being suspected

اِجْتِهَاد m

diligencequalities of a hard worker, including conscientiousness, determination, perseverance


make light ofregard without due seriousness

underestimateto perceive as having lower value

اِسْتِشْهَاد m

quotea statement attributed to someone

اِسْتِفْهَام مَجَازِيّ m

rhetorical questionquestion posed for dramatic or persuasive effect

اِسْتِمْهَال m

moratoriumauthorization permitting temporary suspension of payments

اِشْتِهَار m


reputationwhat somebody is known for

اِضْطِهَاد m

persecutionthe act of persecuting

اِلْتِهَاب m

inflammationmedical condition

اِلْتِهَاب التَّأْمُور m

pericarditisinflammation of the pericardium, the membrane that surrounds the heart

اِلْتِهَاب اللِّفَافَة الْأَخْمَصِيَّة

plantar fasciitispainful inflammation of the plantar fascia

اِلْتِهَاب الْمَفَاصِل m

arthritisinflammation of a joint

اِلْتِهَاب جِرَاب m

bursitisinflammation of a bursa

اِلْتِهَاب رِئَوِيّ m

pneumoniainflammation of the lungs

اِنَّهَا f

it'sit is

اِنْتِهَازِيّ m

profiteerone who makes an unreasonable profit not justified by their corresponding assumption of risk

اِنْتِهَاك m

invasionmilitary action

violationact or instance of violating

اِنْتِهَاك جَسَدِيّ m

abusesexual violation or assault

اِنْصِهَار m

meltingprocess of changing the state of a substance

اِنْصِهَار نَوَوِيّ m

meltdownsevere overheating of the core of a nuclear reactor


collapseto fall down suddenly; to cave in

بَادِئَة مَعْنَاهَا مَعْي

enteritisintestinal disease

بَرْمِنْغْهَام m

Birminghamcity and borough in England


Bahagiven name


Baháʼípertaining to Baháʼís or beliefs held in the Baháʼí Faith

بَهَائِيّ m

Baháʼífollower of the Baháʼí Faith / follower of Baháʼu'lláh

بَهَار m

flavora substance used to produce a taste

seasoningcooking ingredient

spiceplant matter used to season or flavour food

بَهَار حُلْو m


بَيْنَ لَيْلةٍ وَضُحاهَا

overnightin a very short amount of time

بُرْهَان m

evidencefacts or observations presented in support of an assertion

proofany effort, process, or operation designed to establish or discover a fact or truth


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