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هَا înseamnă în Engleză

هَارِي m

Harrymale given name

هَارِيَانَا f

Haryanastate in northern India

هَارْبِين f

Harbina sub-provincial city in northeastern China



هَاش بَرَاوَن

hash brownschopped and fried potatoes

هَاشِمِيّ m

Hashemitebeing or relating to descendants of Hashim

Hashemiteone claiming to be a direct descendant of Hashim

هَاشِي m

chopsticksingle eating utensil

هَاشْتَاغ m

hashtaga tag with a hash sign

هَاشْتَاق m

hashtaga tag with a hash sign

هَافَانَا f

Havanacapital city of Cuba

هَاكَا f

hakagroup dance of New Zealand's Maori people

هَاكِر m

hackerone who uses a computer to gain unauthorized access to data stored in, or to carry out malicious attacks on, computer networks or computer systems

white hatwell-meaning hacker

هَال m

cardamom''E. cardamomum''

cardamomits seed or seed capsule

هَالَابِينْيُو m

jalapeñovariety of hot chili pepper

هَالَة f

areolacircle around the nipple

haloatmospheric phenomenon

هَالُوك m

broomrapeplant of the genus Orobanche

هَالُوِين m

HalloweenOctober 31st

هَالِيت m

halidehalogen salt

هَام m

hamthigh of a hog cured for food

هَامِسْتَر m

hamsterrodent species belonging to the Cricetinae

هَامِش m

margintypography: edge of the paper that remains blank


significanthaving noticeable effect

هَامْبُرْغَر m


هَامْبُورْجَر m


هَامْبُورْغ m

Hamburgcity and state of Germany


Hampshirecounty in the south of England

هَامْلِت m

Hamletthe main character of the play Hamlet

هَان m

HanChinese ethnicity

هَانَا f

Hannahfemale given name

هَانُم f

ladypolite term referring to a woman

هَانُوفَر m

HanoverGerman city

هَانُوي f

Hanoicapital of Vietnam

Hanoicapital of Vietnam

هَانِم f

ladywoman of breeding and authority

هَانْجْتْشُو m

Hangzhoua city of China

هَانْد m

rummycard game


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