dicţionar Arab-Englez »

نَان înseamnă în Engleză

نَان m

naanflat bread

نَانَخَة f

ajwainthyme-flavored seed

نَانُوتِيكْنُولُوجِي m

nanotechnologyscience and technology of creating nanoparticles

نَانِّينْغ m

NanningCapital of Guangxi

نَانْتْشَانْغ m

Nanchanga city in southeastern China

نَانْجِينْغ m

NanjingChinese city

نَانْسِي f

Nancyfemale given name



أَطْنَان m-p

tonvarious units of mass notionally equivalent to a tun

أَنَانَاس m



أَنَانِيَّة f

egoismtendency to think of self

selfishnessquality of being selfish


selfishhaving regard for one's own well-being above that of others

أَنْتَانَانَارِيفُو m


أُشْنَان m

potashchemistry: an impure form of potassium carbonate (K2CO3) mixed with other potassium salts

potashpot ash: the water-soluble part of the ash formed by burning plant material; used for making soap and glass and as a fertilizer

اللُّغَة اليُونَانِيَّة f

Greeklanguage of the Greek people

اللُّغَة الْيُونَانِيَّة الْقَدِيمَة f

Ancient Greekthe Greek language of classical antiquity

اليُونَانِيَّة f

Greeklanguage of the Greek people

الْجُمْهُورِيَّة اللُّبْنَانِيَّة f

Lebanese Republicid=Q822|official name of Lebanon

الْيُونَان f

Greeceid=Q41|country in Southeastern Europe

الْيُونَان الْقَدِيمَة f

Ancient Greeceancient civilization of the Mediterranean

اَللُّغَة اَلْيُونَانِيَّة اَلْحَدِيثَة f

Modern GreekModern Greek

اِمْتِنَان m

gratitudestate of being grateful

بَنَان m

fingertipthe end of the finger

بُوزْنَان f

Poznancity in Poland

تَايْنَان m

Tainana city in Taiwan

جِبَال لُبْنَان الشَّرْقِيَّة f

Anti-Lebanonmountain range

جِنِّيّ أَسْنَان

tooth fairyfigure of modern myth said to give children a small amount of money in exchange for a milk tooth

جِينَان m

Jinansub-provincial city in eastern China

خَايْنَان m

Hainanprovince of China

خَيْط أَسْنَان

dental flosscord of thin filaments used to clean the gaps between the teeth

flossa thread used to clean the gaps between the teeth

خُنَان m

stranglesdisease of horses

خُونَان m

Hunanprovince of China

خِنَان m

HenanChinese province

خِينَان m

HenanChinese province

خْوَايْنَان m

Huainana city of China

سِمْنَان f

Semnannorthern province of Iran