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مَرْكَب înseamnă în Engleză

مَرْكَب m

boatwater craft

saddleseat for a rider placed on the back of a horse or other animal

مَرْكَبَة f


مَرْكَبَة فَضَائِيَّة

spaceshipvehicle that flies through space

مَرْكَبَةُ مُشَاةِ قِتَالِيَّة f

infantry fighting vehiclean armoured combat vehicle designed to carry infantry

إِدَارَة الْمَرْكَبَات f

DMVdepartment of motor vehicles

لَوْحَةُ تَسْجِيلٍ مَرْكَبَةٍ f

license platean identifying plate attached to a vehicle