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OKcomputing: to activate the OK button

مواه الرأس

hydrocephalusskull enlargement due to fluid

موت دماغي

brain deathirreversible cessation of brain activity

موت سريري

clinical deathstate in which usual vital signs are not present


tensorfunction of several variables

tensormatrix of matrices

موتْشِي m

mochirice cake made from glutinous rice

موجة ثقالية

gravitational wavefluctuation in spacetime that propagates as a wave at the speed of light

موجة حاملة

carrier wavewave that can be modulated to transmit signals

موجة صادمة

shock waveA powerful compression wave

موجد m



extantstill in existence

موجَة إليوت f

Elliott wavewave pattern


Mormonancient prophet

مورموني m

Mormonmember of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

Mormonpertaining to the faith established by Joseph Smith, Jr

مورمونيات f-p

Mormonmember of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

مورمونية f

Mormonmember of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

Mormonpertaining to the faith established by Joseph Smith, Jr

Mormonismreligious aspects of the Latter-day Saint movement

مورمونيون m-p

Mormonmember of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints


Morosagliacommune and town

موريتيوس m


موز الحبشة

ensetespecies of flowering plant in the banana family Musaceae

موزَاريلَّا f

mozzarellasoft Italian cheese

موساد f

Mossadthe national intelligence agency of Israel

موسيقى الترانس f

trance musicStyle of dance music

موسيقى الحجرة

chamber musicchamber music

موسيقى الكانتري f

country musicstyle of music

موسيقى الهاوس f

house musictype of electronic dance music with an uptempo beat and recurring kickdrum

مول m

mallenclosed shopping centre


Mona Lisapainting by Leonardo da Vinci


Münstercity in North Rhine-Westphalia


Monopolya board game


monolithlarge, single block of stone

مونيا كستنائي

chestnut munia''Lonchura atricapilla''


Edmontoncity in Alberta, Canada

ألكامو m

Alcamocommune in Sicily

ابن شرموطة

son of a bitchobjectionable person

whoresonillegitimate child|bastard