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علم المعلومات m

information sciencescience

علم تحديد أعمار الأشجار

dendrochronologyscience of counting tree rings

عمالة الأطفال

child labourwork performed by children

عنفة مائية

water turbinedevice

غرانق الماء

mermanlegendary creature


Falmouthtown in Jamaica

فترة السماح

grace perioda length of time during which rules or penalties are waived or deferred

فرق تماثلي m

symmetric differenceset of elements belonging only one of given two sets

فيزياء الجسيمات

particle physics

قَلِيْلُ ٱلاِحْتِمالِ m

long shotSomething unlikely

كرمانجية f

KurmanjiNorthern Kurdish

كش مات المغفل

fool's matequickest possible checkmate

كلما كان أرخص كان أفضل

the'''the''' + ''comparative'', '''the''' + ''comparative''


Klyazmariver in Russia, left tributary of the Oka


accessoryhaving a supplementary function



كِمامة f

maskcover for the face

كپسول زمان

time capsulesealed container

لاسلطوية رأسمالية

anarcho-capitalismphilosophy that advocates the elimination of the state and a self-regulating free market

لغة المانشو


لغَة أيمارا

Aymaralanguage of South America


for your informationused to introduce a rebuttal to the interlocutor's previous statement

لهجة اجتماعية

sociolectvariant of language used by a social group

مؤشر ماخ

Machmeteran instrument that measures the speed of an aircraft relative to that of sound and displays it in Mach numbers

متعلِّق بالماضي

retrospectiveof, relating to, or contemplating the past

محاماة f

advocacythe profession of an advocate

مخطط فاينمان

Feynman diagrampictorial representation of the interactions of subatomic particles

مدينة بنما f

Panama Citycapital of Panama

مفتقر إلى الحماسَة

halfheartedlacking full energy

ملزم اجتماعيًا

de rigueurnecessary according to etiquette

مهما حصل

come what mayidiomatic

موت دماغي

brain deathirreversible cessation of brain activity

ميكانيكا سماوية

celestial mechanicsdynamics of celestial bodies

ميورمانسك m


مِصْيَدَة مائي مَائِيَّة

stench trap

مِضْمار سِبَاق m

racetracka course over which races are run


namastea greeting

ناين مايل

Nine Miletown

نظريَة المعلومات

information theorybranch of applied mathematics

نَائِماً بِعُمْق m

zonkedslang: deeply asleep