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كَارِي înseamnă în Engleză

كَارِي m

currysauce or relish


Caribbeanpertaining to the sea and region bounded by the American continent and the West Indies

كَارِيزْمَا f

charismapersonal charm or magnetism

كَارِيكَاتُور m

caricaturegrotesque misrepresentation

caricaturepictorial representation of someone for comic effect

cartoonhumorous drawing or strip

كَارِيكَاتِير m

caricaturegrotesque misrepresentation

caricaturepictorial representation of someone for comic effect

cartoonhumorous drawing or strip

الْبَحْر الْكَارِيبِيّ m

Caribbean Seaa tropical sea in the Western Hemisphere

لَوْحَة تِذْكَارِيَّة f

stele(archaeology) tall, slender stone monument

مَكَارِيُوس m


نُصْب تَذْكَارِيّ m
