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كَاتِب înseamnă în Engleză

كَاتِب m

columnistregular writer of a column

scribeone who writes; a draughtsman

secretaryperson keeping records and handling clerical work

secretary birdmember of bird family

writerperson who writes; an author

كَاتِب الْعَدْل m

notarynotary public

كَاتِب اَلسِّينَارْيُو m

screenwriterone who writes for the screen

كَاتِب مَسْرَحِيّ m

playwrightwriter of plays for the theatre

كَاتِبَة f

secretaryperson keeping records and handling clerical work

writerperson who writes; an author

آلَة كَاتِبَة f

typewritermachine used to print text by pressing keys

مُبْرِقَة كَاتِبَة f

teletypeautomatically translated electric telegraph