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قَابِل înseamnă în Engleză


acceptorone who accepts

قَابِل غَسِيل

washablecapable of being washed without being damaged

قَابِل لِلتَخْفِيف m

abatableCapable of being abated

قَابِلَة f

midwifeperson who assists women in childbirth

قَابِلَة غَسِيلَة f

washablecapable of being washed without being damaged

قَابِلِيَّةُ الْقِسْمَةِ f

divisibilityproperty of being divisible

الْقَابِلِيَّةُ لِلْقِسْمَةِ f

divisibilityproperty of being divisible

غَيْر قَابِل غَسِيل m

unwashablenot washable; that cannot be washed

غَيْر قَابِلَة غَسِيلَة f

unwashablenot washable; that cannot be washed

فِي مُقَابِل

as opposed toin contrast to

versusin opposition to


oppositeacross from