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فِيل înseamnă în Engleză

فِيل m


فِيلَا f

villaa house used as a retreat


Philipmale given name

فِيلِيب m

Philipbiblical persons

Philipmale given name


Philipmale given name

فِيلْجُوش m

dragonwort''Dracunculus vulgaris''

فِيلْم سِينَمَائِيّ m

moviemotion picture

فِيلْم غَرْب أَمْرِيكِيّ m

westernfilm or other dramatic work

فِيلْم كَرْتُون m

cartoonanimated cartoon

فِيلْمُ أَكْشِنْ

action moviea type of motion picture

فِيلْمُ حَرَكَةٍ

action moviea type of motion picture

فِيلْمُ رُعْبٍ m

horror moviemotion picture which horrifies or frightens

فِيلْنْيُوس f

Vilniuscapital of Lithuania

فِي لَا مَكَان

nowherein no place

أَنْدُورَا لَا فِيلَا f

Andorra la Vellacapital of Andorra

أُذُن الفِيل f

friar's cowlspecies of plant

بُورْت فِيلَا f

Port Vilacapital of Vanuatu

بِرَازَافِيل f

Brazzavillethe capital of the Republic of the Congo

بْرَازَافِيل f

Brazzavillethe capital of the Republic of the Congo

جَعْفِيل m

broomrapeplant of the genus Orobanche

جِيبْسُوفِيلَا f

baby's breathGypsophila

حَبَق الْفِيل m

pimpernelplant of genus ''Anagallis''

دَرْفِيل m

dolphinaquatic mammal

سَائِسُ فِيل m

mahoutelephant trainer, keeper, and driver

شِيفِيلْد m


طُفِيل m

parasite(''biology'') organism that exists by stealing resources from another organism

عِقَاب فِيلِبِينِيّ

Philippine eaglespecies of eagle endemic to the Philippines




favelaA slum in Brazil

كَفِيل m

bondsmansomeone who signs a bond that states that they have taken responsibility for someone else's obligations


chlorophyllgreen pigment

لِيبْرِفِيل f

Librevillecapital of Gabon

مِفِسْتُوفِيلِيس m

MephistophelesDevil to whom Faust sold his soul


NashvilleA city

هِيمُوفِيلِيَا f

haemophiliaany of several hereditary illnesses that impair the body's ability to control bleeding

يَابَانُوفِيلِيَا f

Japanophiliastrong interest in Japan

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