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subsistencemeans of support

كَفَالَة f


guaranteeanything that assures a certain outcome

warrantylegal: an agreement which states that the goods or property in question will be in exactly the same state as promised

كُرْسِيّ اَلْأَطْفَال مُرْتَفَع

highchairelevated chair used for feeding babies


strugglestrife, effort

كْفَاس m

kvassfermented cereal-based low alcoholic beverage

kvassfermented cereal-based low alcoholic beverage

لَا رَجَاء مِن شِفَائِه

incurableunable to be cured

لَافَاش m

lavasha soft, thin flatbread

lavasha soft, thin flatbread

لَوْحَةْ مَفَاتِيح f

keyboardset of keys used to operate a typewriter, computer etc.

لِفَاع m

kerchiefpiece of cloth

لِفَافَة f

envelopewrapper for mailing

لِمْفَاوِيّ m

lymphaticpertaining to lymph or lymphatic system

مَاكْرُوفَاج f

macrophagetype of white blood cell

مَدِينَةٌ فَاضِلَة f

utopiaworld in perfect harmony

مَرْكَز إطْفَاء m

fire stationbuilding for firefighters

مَعْكَرُونَة بِالفَاصُولِيَا f

pasta e fagiolisoup made with pasta and beans

مَلْعَب أَطْفَال m

playgroundlarge open space to play on, usually for children



Silvancity in the Diyarbakır Province of Turkey


optimista person who expects a favourable outcome

optimisticexpecting a good outcome

مُخَلَّفَات p

garbagewaste material

trashthings to be discarded

مُزِيلُ رَجَفَان m


مُعَادَاة الْفَاشِيَّة f

anti-fascismthe opposition to fascist ideologies

مُفَاجَأَة f

surprisesomething not expected


suddenhappening quickly and with little or no warning

مُفَاجِئ m

abruptwithout notice

unexpectednot expected, anticipated or foreseen|unhoped-for

مُفَارَقَة f

ironystatement that may mean the opposite of what is written literally

مُفَاعِل m

reactorchemical substance which responds to another substance

reactordevice which uses atomic energy to produce heat

مُفَاعِل نَوَوِيّ m

nuclear reactordevice

مُفَاوَضَات f-p

negotiationprocess of achieving agreement

talkmeeting, negotiation

مُكَالِمَةٌ فَائِتَةٌ f

missed calla telephone call which the responder does not answer

مُولْدُوفَا f



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