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عَن înseamnă în Engleză

إِبْتَعِد عَنِّي!

get out of here''command to leave''

إِبْتَعِدِي عَنِّي

get lostGo away!

اُغْرُب عَن وَجْهِي!

get lostGo away!

get out of here''command to leave''

اِمْتَنَعَ ( عَنْ)

refrainto abstain (from)|abstain

refrainto keep oneself from action

بَعِيدًا عَنّ

aloofat or from a distance

بَيْت اَلْعَنْكَبُوت m

spiderwebnet-like construct of a spider

بِالنِّيَابَة عَن

on behalf ofspeaking or acting for

بِغَضّ النَظَر عَن

apart fromexcept for

بِغَضّ اَلنَّظَر عَن

regardless ofwithout attention to

بِمَعْزِل عَن

aloofat or from a distance

تَخَلَّى عَن

quitto give up, stop doing something

تَوَارَى عَنْ الْأَنْظَار

keep a low profileto be quiet

تُوت عَنْخ آمُون m

TutankhamunEgyptian pharaoh

حَيَوَان عَنْكَبُوتِيّ m

arachnideight-legged creature

حُوتُ الْعَنْبَر m

sperm whale''Physeter catodon''

خَارِجَ عَنْ m

extra-outside, beyond

دِفَاع عَنِ النَّفْسِ m

self-defensemeans of defending oneself from attack

رُهَاب اَلْعَنَاكِب m

arachnophobiaan abnormal or irrational fear of spiders

شَبَكَة عَنْكَبُوتِيَّة عَالَمِيَّة f

World Wide Weball of the web pages on the Internet that hyperlink to each other and to other kinds of media

شَمَّرَ عَنْ سَاعِدِ الجِدِّ

roll up one's sleevesprepare to work


stabto pierce or wound with pointed object

stingto hurt

عَاطِل عَن اَلْعَمَل

idlenot engaged in any occupation or employment

غَازِي عَنْتَاب


قَرْصَعَنَّة f

sea holly''Eryngium''


curseto call upon divine or supernatural power to send injury upon

curseto place a curse upon

damntheology: to condemn to hell

damnto put a curse upon


obstinateadhering to an opinion, purpose, or course, usually unreasonably

مُعَنْوَن m

entitledhaving a title - book etc

مُمْتَنِع عَنْ الْخُمُور

teetotalerperson who completely abstains from alcohol

مُمْتَنِع عَنْ الْمُسْكِرَات

teetotalerperson who completely abstains from alcohol

مُمْتَنِع عَنْ شُرْب الْكُحُول

teetotalerperson who completely abstains from alcohol

نَاهِيكَ عَن

much lesslet alone

نَسِيج اَلْعَنْكَبُوت m

spiderwebnet-like construct of a spider

نَفَّسَ عَن

ventto express a strong emotion