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صِير înseamnă în Engleză

صِير m

brinesalt water

أَصَنْصِير m

liftmechanical device for vertically transporting goods or people


seeinghaving vision; not blind

بُوصِير m

mulleinplants of the genus ''Verbascum''

تَقْرِيرُ المَصِير m

self-determinationpolitical independence of a people

تَنُّورَة قَصِيرَة f


تَنْصِير m

Christianizationconverting to Christianity

حَصِيرَة f

matfoot wiping device or floor covering

عَصِير m

juicebeverage made of juice

juiceliquid from a plant

mustfruit juice that will ferment or has fermented, usually from grapes

عَصِير التُّفَّاح m

apple juicethe juice of apples, often used as a drink

عَصِير الطَمَاطِم m

tomato juicejuice made from tomatoes

عَصِير اللَّيْمُون

lemonadestill beverage

عَصِير الْبَنْدُورَة m

ketchuptomato-vinegar based sauce

فُسْتَان أَسْوَد قَصِير m

little black dresswoman's short black dress


shorthaving a small distance between ends or edges

shorthaving little duration

قَصِير m

briefof short duration

قِصَّة قَصِيرَة f

short storywork of fiction

مَصِير m


fatethat which predetermines events

intestinealimentary canal

intestinesubdivision of the alimentary canal


fatefulmomentous, significant, setting or sealing ones fate

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