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شِيك înseamnă în Engleză

شِيك m

chequea note promising to pay money to a named person or entity

شِيكَاغُو f

Chicagolarge US city

شِيكُوكُو m

ShikokuJapanese island

شِيكِل m

shekelcurrency unit in Israel

shekelcurrency unit in Israel

إِيشِيكَاوَا f

IshikawaIshikawa, Japan

التّْشِيك f

Czechiaid=Q213|country in Europe

التْشِيك f

Czech Republicid=Q213|country in Central Europe

تْشِيكُوسْلُوفَاكِيَا f

Czechoslovakiaid=Q33946|former country in Central Europe

تْشِيكِيَّا f

Czechiaid=Q213|country in Europe

تْشِيكِيَّة f




Czechof, from, or pertaining to the country, people, culture or language

تْشِيكِيّ m


تْشِيكْيَا f

Czech Republicid=Q213|country in Central Europe

جُمْهُورِيَّة التْشِيك f

Czech Republicid=Q213|country in Central Europe

دَفْتَر شِيكَات m

chequebookfolder containing cheques

chequebookfolder containing cheques

مُسَافِر شِيك m

traveller's chequepreprinted cheque for a fixed amount

نَالْتْشِيك m

Nalchikcity in Russia

وَشِيك m

imminentabout to happen, occur, or take place very soon