dicţionar Arab-Englez »

زِي înseamnă în Engleză

زِي m

uniformdistinctive outfit as a means of identifying members of a group

زِي مَدْرَسِيّ m

school uniformuniform items to be worn by students in a school

زِيبُو m

Ziboa city of China

زِيتَا f

zetaSixth letter of the modern Greek alphabet (Ζ, ζ)

زِيد m

zeename of the letter Z, z

زِير m

jugserving vessel

pitcherA wide-mouthed, deep vessel for holding liquids

زِير نِسَاء m

womanizerhabitual seducer of women

زِيرْكُونْيُوم m

zirconiumchemical element

زِيز m

cicadaany of several insects of the order Hemiptera

زِيلَانْدَا الجَدِيدَة f

New Zealandid=Q664|country in Oceania

زِيلَنْدَا الجَدِيدَة f

New Zealandid=Q664|country in Oceania




Zeldafemale given name

زِيمْبَابْوِي m

Zimbabweid=Q954|Republic of Zimbabwe

زِينَا f

Xenaa female given name


increaseincreased amount

زِيَادَةً عَلَى ذٰلِكَ

over and abovesupplementary

زِيَار m


زِيَارَة f

visitsingle act of visiting

زِيَارَة مَعَالِم اَلْمَدِينَة f


زِيّ m

outfitset of clothing

أَزِيز m

hisssound made by a snake, cat, escaping steam, etc.


Ashkenaziof, or relating to Jews from Central Europe

أَشْكِنَازِيّ m

AshkenaziJew from Germany or Eastern Europe

أَكْزِيمَا f

eczemaacute or chronic inflammation of the skin

أَمَازِيغِيَّة f

Berbera group of closely related languages


Berberof the Berber people

أَمَازِيغِيّ m

BerberMember of northwest African ethnic group


Austronesiagroup of islands

أُسْمُوزِيَّة f

osmoticof or relating to osmosis

أُسْمُوزِيّ m

osmoticof or relating to osmosis


Aussiecolloquial: an Australian|Australian

Aussiecolloquial: an Australian|Australian

إِبْزِيم m

bucklemetal clasp with a hinged tongue or a spike

إِنْجِلِيزِيَّة f

Englishthe English language

Englishwomana female native or inhabitant of England


Englishof or pertaining to England

Englishof or pertaining to the English language

إِنْجِلِيزِيّ m

Englishthe English language


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