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رَئِيس înseamnă în Engleză

رَئِيس m

bossperson in charge


chairmanperson presiding over a meeting

chairpersona person who presides over a meeting, a board

chiefhead of an organization

leaderone having authority

رَئِيس أَرْكَان m

commander in chiefsupreme commander of the armed forces of an entire country

رَئِيس الحُكُومَة m

head of governmentchief officer of the executive branch of a government

رَئِيس الدَّيْر

abbotsuperior or head of an abbey or monastery

رَئِيس حُكُومَة m

prime ministerchief member of the cabinet and head of the government

رَئِيس دَوْلَة m

head of statethe chief public representative of a nation

رَئِيس وُزَرَاء m

prime ministerchief member of the cabinet and head of the government

رَئِيسَة f

bossperson in charge


chairpersona person who presides over a meeting, a board

chairwomanfemale chairperson

رَئِيسَة حُكُومَة f

prime ministerchief member of the cabinet and head of the government

رَئِيسَة وُزَرَاء f

prime ministerchief member of the cabinet and head of the government

رَئِيسِيَّة دَيْر f

abbessfemale superior of a nunnery


mainchief, most important, or principal in extent, etc.

principalprimary, main

الشَارِع الرَئِيسِيّ m

high streetthe main street of any town

شَارِع رَئِيسِيّ m

thoroughfareroad open at both ends

صَفْحَة رَئِيسِيَّة f

home pagemain or first page of a website

home pageweb page set to open in a web browser

طَرِيق رَئِيسِيّ m

main roadmajor road in a town, village etc.

عُنْوَان رَئِيسِيّ m

headlineheading or title of an article

نَائِب رَئِيس m

vice presidentdeputy to a president

نَائِبَةُ رَئِيسَة f

vice presidentdeputy to a president

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