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دم înseamnă în Engleză

دم بوس

's-Hertogenboschcapital city of North Brabant

دمار متبادل

mutual assured destructionthreat


Edmontoncity in Alberta, Canada

إِصْبَع قدم اَلْقَدَم

toeeach of the five digits on the end of the foot

الصدمة والترويع

shock and awedoctrine based on the use of spectacular displays of force

القدرة على التعافي بعد الصدمة

resilienceability of a system or company to recover

بلازما الدم

blood plasmaclear fluid portion of blood

حافي القدمين

barefootwearing nothing on the feet


valeta female performer in professional wrestling

ديادم m

diademornamental headband

ذات الألف قدم

millipedeelongated arthropod

سجق الدم

blood sausagetype of sausage

شلل دماغي m

cerebral palsygroup of non-contagious conditions

ضاغط قدمي

pedal pusherswomen’s casual trousers, usually fairly form-fitting, that end at the calves

عدم الإعادة القسرية

non-refoulementprinciple that a person should not be returned to an area where they would face mistreatment

فرط ثنائي أكسيد الكربون في الدم

hypercapniacondition of having an abnormally high concentration of carbon dioxide in the blood

فرط سكر الدم

hyperglycemiaunusually high concentration of sugar in the blood

كليلَة ودمنَة

Panchatantraa collection of Sanskrit and Pali animal fables in verse and prose


destitutelacking something, devoid

موت دماغي

brain deathirreversible cessation of brain activity

موجة صادمة

shock waveA powerful compression wave


clashto conflict

يخدم لكم الحق

serve someone rightserves you right!