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حَل înseamnă în Engleză


allyperson, group, state, etc., which is associated or united by treaty with another for a common (especially military or political) purpose

حَلِيفَة f

allyperson, group, state, etc., which is associated or united by treaty with another for a common (especially military or political) purpose

حَلِيم m

haleema Middle-Eastern stew-like dish

حَلّ m


solutionan act, plan or other means, used or proposed, to solve a problem.

solutionanswer to a problem (mathematics)

حَلْب m

milkingthe act by which a cow is milked

حَلْبَة f

arenaan enclosed area, often outdoor

ringplace where some sports take place

حَلْبَةُ سِبَاق f

racetracka course over which races are run

حَلْف m

oathsolemn pledge

حَلْفَاء f

espartospecies of North African grass

حَلْق m

throatfront part of the neck

حَلْقَة f

annulusremnants of a partial veil which leaves a ring on the stem of a mushroom

circlespecific group of persons

episodeinstalment of a drama told in parts

factiongroup of people

ringalgebra: an algebraic structure

ringcircumscribing object

washerflat annulus


pharyngealof pharyngeal sounds

حَلْوَى f

candypiece of candy

confectionfood item

dessertsweet confection served as the last course of a meal

sweetsugary confection

حَلْوَى سُكَّرِيَّة f

candypiece of candy

حَلْوَى شَامِيَّة f


حَلْوَى قَصَبٍ m

candy canecandy in the shape of a cane

حَلْوَيَات f-p

dessertsweet confection served as the last course of a meal

sweetsconfectionery, candy

أَزْرَق الْحَلْق m


أَصْلَع حَلِيق m

skinheadsomeone with a shaved head

الحَلّ مِنَ السَّمَاء

deus ex machinacontrived solution to a problem


pass oneself off asto pretend to be

plagiarizeuse, and pass off as one's own, someone else's writing/speech

professto admit to a religious order

تَاج مَحَل m

Taj Mahalmonument in India


moveto change residence|move house


moveto change residence|move house

زُحَل m
