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حَرِيق înseamnă în Engleză

حَرِيق m

conflagrationa large, ferocious, and destructive fire

حَرِيق مُتَعَمَّد

arsoncrime of setting a fire

حَرِيق مُحَرِّك m

fire enginefire truck

حَرِيق هَائِل m

wildfirerapidly spreading fire

سَيَّارَة إطْفَاء حَرِيق f

fire enginefire truck

صُنْبُور اِطْفَاء حَرِيق m

fire hydranta device used by firefighters to obtain water from the main

صُنْبُور حَرِيق m

fire hydranta device used by firefighters to obtain water from the main

طَفَّايَةُ حَرِيق f

fire extinguisherdevice for putting out a fire

مِطْفَأَةُ حَرِيق f

fire extinguisherdevice for putting out a fire