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حَال înseamnă în Engleză

حَال m

conditionhealth status of a patient

statea condition

statussituation or state of affairs


at onceimmediately


immediatelyin an immediate manner

nowat the present time

right awayvery soon

حَالَات p

caseacademia: instance or event as a topic of study

حَالَة f

circumstancethat which attends, or relates to, or in some way affects, a fact or event

conditionhealth status of a patient

conditionstate of an object

grammatical casemode of inflection of a word

grammatical moodin grammar, type of the relationship


situationone's status with regard to circumstances

situationposition vis-à-vis surroundings

situationstate of affairs

statea condition

statussituation or state of affairs

حَالَة الْمَفْعُول لَهُ f

dative casecase used to express direction towards an indirect object

حَالَة اَلْمُضَاف إِلَيْهِ f

genitiveinflection pattern

حَالَة تَجَمُّع f

state of matterdifferent phases of matter

حَالَة مِنْ حَالَات النُّصْب f

dative casecase used to express direction towards an indirect object

حَالَةْ اَلرَّفْع f

nominative casecase used to indicate the subject

حَالَةْ اَلطَّوَارِئ f

emergencysituation requiring urgent assistance


as soon asimmediately after

حَالُوش m

mole cricketinsect of ''Gryllotalpidae''

حَالِب m

ureternarrow duct that carries urine from the kidneys

حَالِم m

daydreamerone who daydreams

dreamerone who dreams

dreamersomeone whose beliefs are far from realistic

حَالِمَة f

dreamersomeone whose beliefs are far from realistic


at the momentright now

currentlyat this moment


presentpertaining to the current time

حَالّ m

solverone who solves

الحَالَة الطَبِيعِيَّة f

normalcystate of being normal

normalitystate of being normal

اِنْعِْدَام الطِحَال m

aspleniaabsence of normal spleen function

تَحَالُف m

alliancestate of being allied