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حق înseamnă în Engleză

حق p

lawany rule that must or should be obeyed

حق القربان المقدس

pyxcontainer used to hold the host

حق ولوج m

accessright or ability of approaching or entering

حقة القربان

pyxbox used in a mint to deposit sample coins for testing

حقل كهربائي

electric fieldregion around a charged particle

حقل مغناطيسي

magnetic fielda field of magnetic force

حقوق الحيوان p

animal rightsfundamental rights for animals

قائمة التحقق

checklistlist of things to be verified


supplementextension to a document or publication

نظرية الحقل الكمومي

quantum field theorytheory of quantum fields

هوكي الحقل

field hockeyform of hockey

يخدم لكم الحق

serve someone rightserves you right!