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جَانِب înseamnă în Engleză


sideleft or right half

جَانِب m

facetone among many similar yet distinct things

flankside of something

sidebounding straight edge of an object


lateralpertaining to certain sounds

أَثَر جَانِبِيّ m

side effectunintended consequence of any action

أَضْرَار جَانِبِيَّة p

collateral damagecollateral damage

التَّصَلُّب الضُّمُورِي الْجَانِبِي m

amyotrophic lateral sclerosisdisease


besidenext to

bynear, or next to

close tonear

nexton the side of

next tobeside; alongside

رُهَاب الْأَجَانِب m

xenophobiaa pathological fear or hatred of strangers or foreigners

صُورَة جَانِبِيَّة

profileshape, view, or shadow of a person's head from the side

كَرْه الْأَجَانِب m

xenophobiaa pathological fear or hatred of strangers or foreigners