dicţionar Arab-Englez »

بِيه înseamnă în Engleză

بِيه m

beygovernor of a Turkish dominion

peename of the letter P, p

بِيهَار m

Bihara state in eastern India

تَايْبِيه f



تَايْبِيه الصِّينِيَّة f

Chinese Taipeia name under which Taiwan participates in international organisations

تَشْبِيه m

comparisonact of comparing or the state of being compared

similefigure of speech in which one thing is compared to another

تَنْبِيه m

notificationa specific piece of information serving to notify

warninginstance of warning someone

جَاي إِل بِيه تِي m

JLPTJapanese language proficiency test

سْكُوبِيه f

Skopjecapital of North Macedonia

شَبِيه m

doppelgangerremarkably similar double

lookalikeperson physically resembling another person

شَبِيه اَلنَّجْم m

quasarAn extragalactic object

مُثَلَّث التَنْبِيه m

warning trianglea triangle used to warn other road users


shrewdartful, tricky or cunning