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بَيْض înseamnă în Engleză

بَيْض الأَرْض m

hawksbeard''[[Crepis]]'' gen. et spp.

بَيْض الْجِنّ m


بَيْض سلق مَسْلُوق بِدُونَ قِشْر

poached eggtype of cooked egg

بَيْض مَخْفُوق m

scrambled eggdish

بَيْض مَسْلُوق m

boiled eggboiled egg (generic)

بَيْض مَقْلِيّ m

fried eggegg that has been shallow fried

بَيْضَاء f


بَيْضَاء الثَّلْج f

Snow Whitecharacter from ''Snow White'' (Schneewittchen)

بَيْضَة f

helmetprotective head covering

nutslang: testicle

testiclemale sex gland

بَيْضَة اَلْفِصْح f

Easter egga dyed or decorated egg

بَيْضَة عِيد اَلْفِصْح f

Easter egga dyed or decorated egg

بَيْضَة مَسْلُوقَة f

boiled eggboiled egg (generic)

بَيْضَوِيّ m


آح البَيْض m

albumenwhite part of an egg

أَصْفَر اَلْبَيْض m

yolkyellow of egg

الجُمُعَة الْبَيْضَاء f

Black Fridaysales period involving heavy price reductions

الدَّار الْبَيْضَاء f

Casablancacity of Morocco

اَلْقَهْوَة اَلْبَيْضَاء f

white coffeecoffee with milk added

دُبَّة بَيْضَاء f

polar bear''Ursus maritimus''

دُودَة بَيْضَاء f

cockchaferbeetle of genus Melolontha

رُوسْيَا الْبَيْضَاء f


سَلَطَة بَيْض

egg saladdish made of hard-boiled eggs

صَفَار اَلْبَيْض

yolkyellow of egg

قَشْر الْبَيْضِ m


قَنَاةُ الْبَيْض f

oviductduct through which an ovum passes

كُرَيَّةُ دَمٍ بَيْضَاء f

white blood cellcytology: a type of blood cell that is involved with an immune response

مُعْضِلَة الدَجَاجَةِ وَالبَيْضَةِ

chicken-or-egg questiona question to decide which of two interdependent things happened first