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بَان înseamnă în Engleză

بَان m

benben tree

بَانَاسُونِيك m

Panasonica multinational corporation in Japan

بَانَّاكُوتَّا f

panna cottaItalian dessert made from double cream

بَانُورَامَا f

panoramaunbroken view of an entire surrounding area

panoramaunbroken view of an entire surrounding area

بَانِيتُّونِ m

panettoneChristmas brioche with candied fruit

بَانْتُوسْتَان m

bantustanterritory defined as a homeland for black South Africans

بَانْتِلِيرِيَا f

PantelleriaSicilian island

بَانْثِيُون m


pantheona temple dedicated to all the gods

بَانْجُو m

banjoa musical instrument

بَانْجُول m

Banjulcapital of the Gambia


Pangaeaid=Q4398|supercontinent prior to Triassic

بَانْدَا أَحْمَر m

red pandaAilurus fulgens

بَانْدُونْج m

Bandungcity in Indonesia

Bandungcity in Indonesia

بَانْشِي f

bansheein Irish folklore, a female spirit

بَانْغِي f

Banguicapital of the Central African Republic

بَانْك m

punkpunk social movement

punkpunk social movement

punkshort form of punk rock|punk rock

punkshort form of punk rock|punk rock

بَانْكُوك f

Bangkokthe capital of Thailand


bathtublarge container in which a person may bathe


explainto make intelligible

أَسْبَانِيَا f

Spainid=Q29|country in Europe

أَلْبَانِيَا f

Albaniaid=Q222|country in south-eastern Europe

أَلْبَانِيَّة f

Albanianperson from Albania


Albanianof or pertaining to Albania

أَلْبَانِيّ m

Albanianperson from Albania

إِسْبَانِيَا f

Spainid=Q29|country in Europe

إِسْبَانِيَا الْجَدِيدَة f

New Spainhistorical colony

إِسْبَانِيَة f

Spainid=Q29|country in Europe

إِسْبَانِيَّة f

Spaniardsomebody from Spain

SpanishRomance language of Spain and the Americas


Spanishof or pertaining to Spain

إِسْبَانِيّ m

Spaniardsomebody from Spain

إِيكِيبَانَا f

ikebanaJapanese art of flower arrangement

الْيَابَان f

Japanid=Q17|a country in East Asia

اَلزُّبَانَى اَلشَّمَالِيّ m

Zubeneschamalisecond brightest star in the constellation Libra


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