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بشكل فوق طاقة البشر înseamnă în Engleză

بشكل معقول

reasonablynot extremely

بشكل كبير

greatlyto a great extent

مجهر فوقي m

ultramicroscopea microscope that uses bright illumination against a black background to view small particles

تطفل فوقي

hyperparasiteparasite whose host is a parasite

طاقة مظلمة

dark energyhypothetical form of energy which, it is supposed, is spread uniformly throughout space and time and has anti-gravitational properties

طاقة كهرمائية

hydroelectricityelectricity produced from energy of water

طاقة ميكانيكية

mechanical energymechanical energy

طاقة وضع

potential energyenergy possessed by an object because of its position

تغذية طاقة

power supplypart of electronic apparatus

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