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ال înseamnă în Engleză

التّْشِيك f

Czechiaid=Q213|country in Europe

التْشِيك f

Czech Republicid=Q213|country in Central Europe

الثامن و قوامه

Karaiteadherent of Karaism


Vulpeculaautumn constellation

الثلاثاء البدين

Shrove Tuesdayday before the beginning of Lent

الثورة الصناعية

Industrial Revolutionmajor technological change in the late 18th and early 19th century

الثَّلَاثَاء m

Tuesdayday of the week

الثُّرَيَّا f


الثُّلَاثَاء m

Tuesdayday of the week


Octansa circumpolar constellation


Octansa circumpolar constellation

الجامعة الأم

alma matergraduated school

الجزيرة الخضراء

Algecirascity in Andalusia, Spain



الجمهورية الإسلامية الموريتانية f

Islamic Republic of Mauritaniaofficial name of Mauritania

الجمهورية الإيطالية f

Italian Republicid=Q38|official name of Italy

الجمهورية العربية اليمنية m

Yemen Arab Republicid=Q267584|former country

الجمهورية القيرغيزية

Kyrgyz Republicofficial name of Kyrgyzstan

الجيل إكس

Generation Xgeneration of people born after the baby boom that followed World War II


GilakiGilaki language

الجَائِزَةُ الكُبْرَى f

jackpotaccumulating money prize pool



الجَزِيرَة f

Al JazeeraArabic satellite TV news channel

الجُزُرُ الخَالِدَات f-p

Canary Islandsan archipelago off the coast of north-western Africa

الجُمُعَة الْبَيْضَاء f

Black Fridaysales period involving heavy price reductions

الجُمْعَة f

Fridayday of the week

الجُمْهُورِيَّة الهِيلِينِيَّة f

Hellenic Republicid=Q41|official name of Greece

الجِرْمَانِيَّة f

Germanicearly language|Proto-Germanic

الجِهَوِيَّة f

regionalismpolitical tendency

الحرب العالمية الرابعة f

World War IVhypothetical world war (World War IV)

الحنطة السوداء f

buckwheat''Fagopyrum esculentum'' plant

الحَالَة الطَبِيعِيَّة f

normalcystate of being normal

normalitystate of being normal

الحَرْب الشَّامِلَةُ m

total warwarfare where all of a country's resources are employed

الحَلّ مِنَ السَّمَاء

deus ex machinacontrived solution to a problem

الحَمْل بِلَا دَنَس m

Immaculate Conceptiondoctrine

الخلية الحرة

FreeCellcard game

الخنفساء النمرية

tiger beetleany active, carnivorous beetle of the subfamily Cicindelinae




Taylorsurname associated with "tailor"