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إِم înseamnă în Engleză

إِم m

emname of the letter M, m

إِم بِي ثَلَاثَة m

MP3MPEG-1 Audio Layer 3

إِم بِي ثْرِي m

MP3MPEG-1 Audio Layer 3

إِمَارَات f-p

emiratecountry ruled by an emir

إِمَارَاتِيَّة f

Emiratia person from the United Arab Emirates

إِمَارَاتِيّ m

Emiratia person from the United Arab Emirates

إِمَارَة f

emiratecountry ruled by an emir

إِمَارَة أَبُو ظَبْي f

Abu Dhabiemirate

إِمَارَة أَفْغَانِسْتَان الْإِسْلَامِيَّة

Islamic Emirate of Afghanistanfull, official name of Afghanistan

إِمَارَة دُبَيّ


إِمَارَة صِقِلِّيَة

Emirate of Sicilyhistorical emirate which ruled Sicily

إِمَام m

imamMuslim leader

إِمَامَة f

imamateoffice or jurisdiction of an imam



إِمَّا ... إِمَّا

eitherintroduces the first of two options



yes mana person who always agrees with his employer or superior

إِمَّعَة c

yeasayerwho habitually agrees uncritically


imperialistof or relating to imperialism

إِمْبَرِيَالِيّ m

imperialistadvocate of imperialism

إِمْبِرَاطُورَة f

empressfemale monarch of an empire

إِمْبِرَاطُورَة الأُمّ f

empress dowagermother of an emperor

إِمْبِرَاطُورِيَّة f

empirepolitical unit, having numerous or extensive territories

Reicha German empire or nation

إِمْبِرَاطُورِيَّة بِيزَنْطِيَّة f

Byzantine EmpireGreek-speaking empire in the Eastern Mediterranean region


imperialrelated to an empire

إِمْبِرْيالِيَّة f

imperialistadvocate of imperialism

إِمْبِرْيَالِيَّة f

imperialismthe policy of extending power, by force

إِمْبْرَاطُور m

emperorruler of an empire

إِمْبْرَاطُورَة f

empresswife or widow of an emperor

إِمْدَاد m

assistanceaid; help; the act or result of assisting

supplyact of supplying

إِمْرَأَة مِتْعَة f

comfort womanforced prostitute

إِمْسَاك m

constipationstate of bowels

إِمْضَاء m

signatureperson’s autograph name

إِمْكَان m

proficiencyability or skill


possibilitya thing possible; that which may take place or come into being

possibilityoption or choice, usually used in context with future events

prospectpotential things that may come to pass, usually favorable

إِمْكَانِيَّة m

feasibilitystate of being feasible


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