dicţionar Arab-Englez »

أَعْلَى înseamnă în Engleză


aboveover, on top of

abovesuperior to, surpassing

أَعْلَى m

upperat a higher level, rank or position

الْأَنَا الْأَعْلَى m

superegopart of the mind

اَلْأَعْلَى m

Most Hightitle of God

اَلْجَدّ اَلْأَعْلَى m

great-grandfatherfather of one's grandparent

سُورَة اَلْأَعْلَى

Most High87th sura of the Qur'an


uptoward the top

مَجْلِس أَعْلَى m

Senatelegislative body

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