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أَرْض înseamnă în Engleză

ذِئْب الأَرْض m

aardwolfthe mammal Proteles cristatus

سِيَاسَةُ الأَرْضِ المَحْرُوقَة f

scorched earth

scorched-earth policy

شَكْل اَلْأَرْض m

landformgeological feature

صُوف الْأَرْض m

horehound''Marrubium vulgare''

عَنَاق الْأَرْض

caracal''Caracal caracal''

عِلْم اَلْأَرْض m

geologythe study of the earth

قَائِم خَارِجَ الْأَرْض

extraterrestrialoriginating from outside of the Earth

كُرَة أَرْضِيَّة f

globemodel of Earth

لَغْم أَرْضِيّ m

land minemine that is placed on land

مَدَار أَرْضِيّ الْمَرْكَز m

geocentric orbit

مُخَطَّط أَرْضِيَّة الدَّوْر

floor plandiagram

نِصْف اَلْكُرَة الْأَرْضِيَّة الجَنُوبِيّ m

Southern Hemispherehemisphere to the south of its equator

نِصْف اَلْكُرَة الْأَرْضِيَّة الشَّمَالِيّ m

Northern Hemispherehemisphere to the north of its equator

هَزَّة أَرْضِيَّة f

earthquakeshaking of the surface of a planet

يَوْم اَلْأَرْض m

Earth Dayglobal day of observance of the need to protect the earth