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أم înseamnă în Engleză


as forregarding; about

أمازون f


أمت f

AmmitEgyptian funerary deity, the Devourer of the Dead

أمر واقع m

fait accomplian accomplished fact

أمريكا الإسبانية

Hispanic Americaparts of the Americas which speak Spanish


Amstelveencity in North Holland


prospectpotential things that may come to pass, usually favorable

أمن الحاسوب

computer securitybranch of computer science

أمن المعلومات

information securityprotection of information and information systems

أميريكا f

Americasid=Q828|North and South America

أمين عام

Secretary Generalchief administrator of an international body

أمّ القيوين

Umm al-Quwainone of the United Arab Emirates

أسد أمريكي

cougar''Puma concolor''

الأم الجافية

dura materoutermost layer of the meninges

الأم الحنون

pia materinnermost of the meninges

الأمازون f



matriarchysocial system

الأمْطَار المَوْسِمِيَّة


الجامعة الأم

alma matergraduated school

بحكم الأمر الواقع

de factoin fact or in practice

توأمَة مدن

town twinningpairing of towns or cities

جزر العذراء الأمريكية

United States Virgin Islandsa US overseas territory in the Caribbean

حاصل الأمر m

bottom linesummary or result

حمض أميني m

amino acidany organic compound containing amino and carboxylic acid

خيال تأملي m

speculative fictionclass of fiction involving fantastic, supernatural or futuristic elements

صمام أمان

safety valvevalve set to open at a pressure below that at which a container holding a gas, vapour, etc., would burst, thus reducing the pressure

طب الأمراض الجلدية

dermatologythe study of the skin and its diseases

مسببات الأمراض

pathogenany organism or substance that causes disease

مغسول بالأمواج

awashwashed by the waves or tide

نَهْر الأمازون m


ودجون أمريكي

American wigeon''Anas americana''