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que significado em Inglês

quetognata noun

arrow worm(member of Chaetognatha)

: naquela época / aquela época / na época preposition

at the time(at the time referred to the specific time period, era, or time frame in the past)
[UK: ət ðə ˈtaɪm] [US: ət ðə ˈtaɪm]

: naquela hora preposition

at the time(at the time referred to the specific time period, era, or time frame in the past)
[UK: ət ðə ˈtaɪm] [US: ət ðə ˈtaɪm]

; prato de choque noun

hi-hat(drum kit part)
[UK: haɪ hæt] [US: ˈhaɪ ˈhæt]

; The waiter said he would be right back. - O garçom disse que voltaria logo. verb

would(indicating an action in the past that was planned or intended)
[UK: wʊd] [US: ˈwʊd]

a beleza está nos olhos de quem a vê phrase

beauty is in the eye of the beholder(people have different ideas of what is beautiful)
[UK: ˈbjuː.ti ɪz ɪn ðə aɪ əv ðə bɪ.ˈhəʊl.də(r)] [US: ˈbjuː.ti ˈɪz ɪn ðə ˈaɪ əv ðə bɪˈho.ʊl.də(r)]

a beleza está nos olhos de quem vê phrase

beauty is in the eye of the beholder(people have different ideas of what is beautiful)
[UK: ˈbjuː.ti ɪz ɪn ðə aɪ əv ðə bɪ.ˈhəʊl.də(r)] [US: ˈbjuː.ti ˈɪz ɪn ðə ˈaɪ əv ðə bɪˈho.ʊl.də(r)]

a cada um o que é seu phrase

to each his own(every person is entitled to his or her personal preferences)
[UK: tuː iːtʃ hɪz əʊn] [US: ˈtuː ˈiːtʃ ˈhɪz ˈoʊn]

a cera sobeja queima a igreja phrase

too many cooks spoil the broth(with too many people a task won't be done very well)
[UK: tuː ˈmen.i kʊks spɔɪl ðə brɒθ] [US: ˈtuː ˈmen.i ˈkʊks ˌspɔɪl ðə ˈbrɒθ]

a emenda sair pior que o soneto phrase

the cure is worse than the disease(The solution to a problem produces a worse net result)

a esperança é a última que morre phrase

hope springs eternal(the feeling of hopefulness endlessly renews itself)
[UK: həʊp sprɪŋz ɪ.ˈtɜːn.l̩] [US: hoʊp ˈsprɪŋz ˌɪ.ˈtɝː.nl̩]

à esquerda adverb

left(on the left side)
[UK: left] [US: ˈleft]

a fim de que phrase

in order to(as a means of achieving the specified aim)
[UK: ɪn ˈɔː.də(r) tuː] [US: ɪn ˈɔːr.dər ˈtuː]

a fim de que ... não conjunction

lest(for fear that)
[UK: lest] [US: ˈlest]

a gota que transbordou o copo noun

the straw that broke the camel's back(small additional burden which causes failure)

a mão esquerda não sabe o que faz a direita phrase

the left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing(two parts of an organization are unaware of each other's activities)

à medida que conjunction

as(varying through time to the same proportion that)
[UK: əz] [US: ˈæz]

a menos que conjunction

unless(except on a specified condition)
[UK: ən.ˈles] [US: ən.ˈles]

a não ser que conjunction

unless(except on a specified condition)
[UK: ən.ˈles] [US: ən.ˈles]

a pena é mais forte do que a espada phrase

the pen is mightier than the sword(more power can achieved writing than fighting)
[UK: ðə pen ɪz ˈmaɪ.tɪə(r) ðæn ðə sɔːd] [US: ðə ˈpen ˈɪz ˈmaɪ.tiər ˈðæn ðə ˈsɔːrd]

a pena é mais forte que a espada phrase

the pen is mightier than the sword(more power can achieved writing than fighting)
[UK: ðə pen ɪz ˈmaɪ.tɪə(r) ðæn ðə sɔːd] [US: ðə ˈpen ˈɪz ˈmaɪ.tiər ˈðæn ðə ˈsɔːrd]

a qualquer hora adverb

any minute now(very soon)

a que horas vocês fecham? phrase

when is closing time(when is closing time?)

a queima-roupa adjective

point-blank(so close that a weapon may be aimed directly at its target)
[UK: ˌpɔɪnt ˈblæŋk] [US: ˌpɔɪnt ˈblæŋk]

à queima-roupa adverb

point blank(directly; bluntly; without pretense or caution)
[UK: pɔɪnt blæŋk] [US: ˈpɔɪnt ˈblæŋk]

a quem de direito phrase

to whom it may concern(phrase used to begin a formal letter to an unknown recipient)
[UK: tuː huːm ɪt meɪ kən.ˈsɜːn] [US: ˈtuː ˈhuːm ˈɪt ˈmeɪ kən.ˈsɝːn]

a quem possa interessar phrase

to whom it may concern(phrase used to begin a formal letter to an unknown recipient)
[UK: tuː huːm ɪt meɪ kən.ˈsɜːn] [US: ˈtuː ˈhuːm ˈɪt ˈmeɪ kən.ˈsɝːn]

a vingança é um prato que se serve frio phrase

revenge is a dish best served cold(revenge is best or most satisfying when delayed)

Abimeleque proper noun

Abimelech(name of Philistine kings)
proper noun

ablaqueação noun

ablaqueation(process of laying bare the roots of trees)

ablaquear verb

ablaqueate(to lay bare the roots of a tree)

ácaro-do-queijo noun

cheese mite(category of mite)

acho que sim phrase

I think sophrase
[UK: ˈaɪ ˈθɪŋk ˈsəʊ] [US: ˈaɪ ˈθɪŋk ˈsoʊ]

ações falam mais alto que palavras phrase

actions speak louder than words(it is more effective to act than speak)

aconteça o que acontecer phrase

no matter what(under any circumstances, whatever happens)

aconteça o que acontecer adverb

come what may(idiomatic)
[UK: kʌm ˈwɒt meɪ] [US: ˈkəm ˈhwʌt ˈmeɪ]

acordar com o pé esquerdo verb

get up on the wrong side of the bed(to feel irritable without a particular reason)
[UK: ˈɡet ʌp ɒn ðə rɒŋ saɪd əv ðə bed] [US: ˈɡet ʌp ɑːn ðə ˈrɒŋ ˈsaɪd əv ðə ˈbed]

agora que conjunction

now(since, because)
[UK: naʊ] [US: ˈnaʊ]

now that(since)
[UK: naʊ ðæt] [US: ˈnaʊ ˈðæt]

águia-pesqueira noun

osprey [ospreys](bird of prey)
[UK: ˈɒ.spri] [US: ˈɒ.spri]


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