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crioulo significado em Inglês

crioulo noun

creole(lect formed from two languages)
[UK: ˈkriːəʊl] [US: ˈkriːoʊl]

nigga(ethnic slur)

spade [spades](a black person)
[UK: speɪd] [US: ˈspeɪd]

crioulo antilhano proper noun

Antillean Creole(a French-based creole language spoken in the Caribbean)
proper noun

crioulo cabo-verdiano proper noun

Cape Verdean Creole(creole language of Cape Verde)
proper noun

Capeverdean Crioulo(creole language spoken in Cape Verde)
proper noun

crioulo da Guiné proper noun

Guinea-Bissau Creole(Portuguese-based creole spoken in Guinea-Bissau)
proper noun

crioulo da Guiné-Bissau proper noun

Guinea-Bissau Creole(Portuguese-based creole spoken in Guinea-Bissau)
proper noun

crioulo de Guiné-Bissau proper noun

Guinea-Bissau Creole(Portuguese-based creole spoken in Guinea-Bissau)
proper noun

crioulo guineense proper noun

Guinea-Bissau Creole(Portuguese-based creole spoken in Guinea-Bissau)
proper noun

crioulo haitiano noun

Haitian Creole(language spoken in Haiti)
[UK: ˈheɪʃ.n̩ ˈkriːəʊl] [US: ˈheɪʃ.n̩ ˈkriːoʊl]

crioulo jamaicano noun

Jamaican(creole language)
[UK: dʒə.ˈmeɪkən] [US: dʒə.ˈmeɪkən]

crioulo macaense proper noun

Macanese(Macanese (language))
proper noun

anticrioulo adjective

anticreole(opposing the use of a creole)

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