dicionário Inglêso-Português »

á significado em Português

Álava (province)
proper noun

Álavaproper noun

Ávila (province of Spain)
proper noun

Ávilaproper noun

Alcalá de Henares (city near Madrid, Spain)
proper noun

Alcalá de Henaresproper noun

Alvíssmál (tenth poem of the Poetic Edda)
proper noun

Alvíssmálproper noun

Amapá (a state in northern Brazil)
proper noun

Amapáproper noun

Baháʼí Faith (religion)
proper noun

bahaísmoproper noun

Fé Bahá'íproper noun

Bogotá (capital city of Colombia)
proper noun

Bogotáproper noun

Ceará (state in north-eastern Brazil)
proper noun

Cearáproper noun

Goiás (state in central-western Brazil)
proper noun

Goiásproper noun

Hávamál (second book of the Poetic Edda)
proper noun

Hávamálproper noun

háček (háček diacritic)


Málaga (port and city in Andalusia)
proper noun

Málagaproper noun

Paraná (river in South America)
proper noun

Paranáproper noun

Paraná pine (South American conifer)




Pará (state in northern Brazil)
proper noun

Paráproper noun

Völuspá (first poem of the Poetic Edda)
proper noun

Völuspáproper noun

Xavánte (language)
proper noun

xavanteproper noun

Xavánte (one of the Xavánte people)

{m} {f}

Yucatán (a peninsula in North America)
proper noun

Península de Iucatãproper noun

Península do Iucatãoproper noun

Yucatán (a state in Mexico)
proper noun

Iucatãproper noun

Iucatãoproper noun

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