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hab bedeutet auf Englisch

das Imponiergehabe Substantiv

display patternnoun

Inh. : Inhaber


propr : proprietor

der Inhaber [des Inhabers; die Inhaber] Substantiv

owner [owners]◼◼◼noun
[UK: ˈəʊ.nə(r)] [US: ˈoʊ.nər]
John is the owner of a supermarket. = John ist der Inhaber eines Supermarktes.

holder [holders]◼◼◼noun
[UK: ˈhəʊl.də(r)] [US: ˈhoʊl.də(r)]

bondholder [bondholders]◼◻◻noun
[UK: ˈbɑːndˌhol.də(r)] [US: ˈbɑːndˌhol.dər]

possessor [possessors]◼◻◻noun
[UK: pə.ˈze.sə(r)] [US: pə.ˈze.sər]

die Inhaberaktie [der Inhaberaktie; die Inhaberaktien] Substantiv

bearer share◼◼◼noun
[UK: ˈbeə.rə(r) ʃeə(r)] [US: ˈbe.rər ˈʃer]

die Inhaberin Substantiv

owner [owners]◼◼◼noun
[UK: ˈəʊ.nə(r)] [US: ˈoʊ.nər]

auf den ~ ausstellen: issue to bearernoun

bearer [bearers]noun
[UK: ˈbeə.rə(r)] [US: ˈbe.rər]

das Inhaberindossament Substantiv

endorsement to bearernoun

made out to bearernoun

die Inhaberobligation Substantiv

clean bondnoun

coupon bond (US)noun

das Inhaberpapier [des Inhaberpapiers; die Inhaberpapiere] Substantiv

bearer instrument◼◼◼noun

die Inhaberschaft Substantiv

[UK: ˈəʊ.nə.ʃɪp] [US: ˈoʊ.nər.ˌʃɪp]

der Inhaberscheck Substantiv

cheque to bearernoun

die Inhaberschecks Substantiv

cheques to bearernoun

die Inhaberschuldverschreibung [der Inhaberschuldverschreibung; die Inhaberschuldverschreibungen] Substantiv

bearer (registered) debenture (bond: Br)◼◼◼noun

der Inhaberwechsel Substantiv

bearer billnoun

das Inhaberzertifikat Substantiv

bearer certificate◼◼◼noun

depositary receiptnoun


held◼◼◼[UK: held] [US: ˈheld]

innehaben [hatte inne; hat innegehabt] Verb

hold [held, holding, holds]◼◼◼verb
[UK: həʊld] [US: hoʊld]

das Investitionsvorhaben Substantiv

investment plan (project)◼◼◼noun

capital budgetnoun

jemanden am Gängelband haben

to have someone on a string

jemanden ausgewählt haben

to have chosen (designated) someone for

der Karteninhaber Substantiv


das Kassenguthaben Substantiv

cash in hand (vault : US)◼◼◼noun
[UK: kæʃ ɪn hænd] [US: ˈkæʃ ɪn ˈhænd]

cash assetsnoun

keinen blassen Schimmer haben

not to have the foggiest idea


roller-type adhesive tape dispenser

der Klebestreifentischabroller Substantiv

adhesive tape holdernoun

der Knochenschaber Substantiv

raspatory [raspatories]noun
[UK: rˈaspətəri] [US: rˈæspətˌoːri]

die Kohabitation [der Kohabitation; die Kohabitationen] Substantiv

cohabitation [cohabitations]◼◼◼noun
[UK: ˌkəʊ.hæ.bɪ.ˈteɪʃ.n̩] [US: ˌkoʊ.hæ.bɪ.ˈteɪʃ.n̩]

die Kohabitationen Substantiv



cohabit[UK: kəʊ.ˈhæ.bɪt] [US: koʊ.ˈhæ.bɪt]


cohabiting[UK: kəʊ.ˈhæ.bɪt.ɪŋ] [US: koʊ.ˈhæ.bɪt.ɪŋ]


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