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slepý znamená v angličtina

slepý adjective

blind [blinder, blindest](unable to see)
[UK: blaɪnd] [US: ˈblaɪnd]

slepý jako netopýr adjective

blind as a bat(nearly totally blind)
[UK: blaɪnd əz ə bæt] [US: ˈblaɪnd ˈæz ə ˈbæt]

slepý pasažér noun

fare dodger(a person who deliberately avoids payment for public transport)
[UK: feə(r) ˈdɒ.dʒə(r)] [US: ˈfer ˈdɑː.dʒər]

slepý úhel noun

blindside(motor vehicle/train/tram driver's field of blindness)
[UK: ˈblaɪnd.ˌsaɪd] [US: ˈblaɪnd.ˌsaɪd]

slepýš noun

slowworm [slowworms](Anguis fragilis)
[UK: slˈəʊwɜːm] [US: slˈoʊwɜːm]

jsem slepý phrase

I'm blindphrase

mezi slepými je jednooký králem phrase

in the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king(In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king)
[UK: ɪn ðə lænd əv ðə blaɪnd ðə wʌn aɪd mæn ɪz kɪŋ] [US: ɪn ðə ˈlænd əv ðə ˈblaɪnd ðə wʌn ˈaɪd ˈmæn ˈɪz ˈkɪŋ]

mezi slepými jednooký králem phrase

in the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king(In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king)
[UK: ɪn ðə lænd əv ðə blaɪnd ðə wʌn aɪd mæn ɪz kɪŋ] [US: ɪn ðə ˈlænd əv ðə ˈblaɪnd ðə wʌn ˈaɪd ˈmæn ˈɪz ˈkɪŋ]

šeroslepý adjective

night-blind(unable to see clearly in low light; suffering from night blindness)
[UK: naɪt blaɪnd] [US: ˈnaɪt ˈblaɪnd]

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