Arabisch-Englisch Wörterbuch »

وِي bedeutet auf Englisch


Umayyadrelating to the Umayyad dynasty

أُمَوِيّ m

Umayyadmember of the Umayyad dynasty

أُنْثَوِيَّة f

feminismthe social theory or political movement

إِعَادَةْ تَدْوِير f

recycleto break down and reuse component materials

recyclingthe practice of sorting and collecting waste materials for new use

اقْتِرَاضٌ غَيْرُ عَفْوِيٍّ m

learned borrowingword borrowed from a classical language into a modern language

التَّجْمِيل اللُّغَوِيّ m

syntactic sugar

الجِهَوِيَّة f

regionalismpolitical tendency

الصَّوِيرَة f

Essaouiracity in Marrakech-Safi, Morocco

الطِّبّ الْحَيَوِيّ

biomedicinea branch of medical science

الفَرَنْسَاوِيَّة f

Frenchprincipal language of France and other related countries

اللُّغَة الفَرَنْسَاوِيَّة f

Frenchprincipal language of France and other related countries

المُسْتَوِي المائِل

inclined planesimple machine

النُّرْوِيج f

Norwayid=Q20|Scandinavian country

Norwayid=Q20|Scandinavian country

النِّسْبَة الْمِئَوِيَّة f

percentagepart of a whole

الهَاوِيَة f

Gehennawhere the wicked go


equalmathematics: exactly identical

اَلصَّوِيغ! m

shazamtransform into a superhero

اَلْجُمْهُورِيَّة اَلْعَرَبِيَّة اَلصَّحْرَاوِيَّة اَلدِّيمُقْرَاطِيَّة f

Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republicid=Q40362|a partially recognised state in Western Sahara

اَلْقَوِيّ m

AlmightyGod, the supreme being

اِتِّجَاه سَمَاوِيّ m

cardinal pointany of the four main points of the compass

اِزْدِوَاجِيَّة لُغَوِيَّة f

diglossiathe coexistence of two closely related native languages

اِضْطِرَاب هُوِيَّة m

dysphoriastate of feeling unwell, unhappy, restless or depressed

اِضْطِرَاب هُوِيَّة جِنْسِيّ m

gender dysphoriaprofound unhappiness related to characteristics associated with one's birth-assigned sex, experienced by some transgender people

اِقْتِرَاض مَعْنَوِيّ m

semantic loan

اِلْتِهَاب رِئَوِيّ m

pneumoniainflammation of the lungs

اِنْحِلَال خَلَوِيّ m

cytolysisthe pathological breakdown of a cell due to the bursting of the cell membrane caused by osmosis

اِنْدِمَاج نَوَوِيّ m

nuclear fusionthe combining of the nuclei of small atoms to form the nuclei of larger ones

اِنْصِهَار نَوَوِيّ m

meltdownsevere overheating of the core of a nuclear reactor

بَابَا نُوِيل m

Santa Clausfictional figure

بَحْر اَلنُّرْوِيج m

Norwegian Seapart of the Atlantic

بَحْر قَزْوِين m

Caspian Sealandlocked sea

بَدَوِيّ m


nomada member of society or class who wander with their herds

nomadicof or relating to itinerant herdsmen


Barelvirevivalist movement within Sunni Islam

بَسْكَوِيت m

biscuitsmall, flat baked good|cookie|cracker

cookiesmall, flat baked good|biscuit

بَوْل دَمَوِيّ m
