Arabisch-Englisch Wörterbuch »

ن bedeutet auf Englisch


e.g.initialism used to introduce an illustrative example or short list of examples



نداء جنوب أفريقيا

The Call of South Africaa former national anthem of South Africa

نزَاف m

haemophiliaany of several hereditary illnesses that impair the body's ability to control bleeding

نسبة (nisba)

rationumber representing comparison

نسوي m

feministadvocate of feminism; person who believes in bringing about the equality of men and women

نسوية f

feministadvocate of feminism; person who believes in bringing about the equality of men and women

نسيج الخشب m

xylembotany: vascular tissue in land plants

نسيج ضام

connective tissuetype of tissue that binds other tissue systems


recommendto advise, propose

recommendto commend to the favorable notice of another

نصف النهار


نصف نقل m

pickup trucktruck with an open cargo bed

نظارة طبية

reading glassesspectacles to deal with the effects of presbyopia

نظام ألعاب فيديو m

video game consolededicated electronic device that is designed to play video games

نظام إدارة

management system


M-theorytheory that unifies the five superstring theories

نظرية الحقل الكمومي

quantum field theorytheory of quantum fields

نظرية مؤامرة f

white genocidewhite supremacist conspiracy theory to eliminate the white race

نظريَة الشواش f

chaos theorychaos theory

نظريَة المعلومات

information theorybranch of applied mathematics

نظريَة كل شيء

theory of everythingtheory of everything


accessto gain or obtain access to

نفرتوم m

Nefertemancient Egyptian goddess of fertility

نفسكَ m

yourself(reflexive) your own self

نفسكِ f

yourself(reflexive) your own self

نقاش m

explanationthe act or process of explaining

نقاوي f

Ngawicity in Indonesia

نقص التروية

ischemialocal disturbance in blood circulation due to mechanical obstruction of the blood supply

نقص المناعة m

immunosuppressionmedical suppression of the immune response

نقطة نهاية

endpointeither of two points at the end of a line


transportcarry or bear from one place to another

نقود m-p

moneyhard cash


fuckexpression of dismay or discontent

نكران تنازل

abnegationdenial; renunciation


modelingThe construction and use of a computer model


prototypeoriginal form or object which is a basis for other forms or objects

نموذج مصغر m


نهضة f

Renaissancethe period


greedyprone to overeat