Arabisch-Englisch Wörterbuch »

مُضَاد bedeutet auf Englisch

مُضَاد اِسْتِطْبَاب m

contraindicationfactor or symptom

مُضَاد لِلشَّيْخُوخَة

anti-agingrelated to the lessening or halting of the aging process

مُضَادَّة اِكْتِئَاب f

antidepressantagent that prevents or counteracts depression


anti-against, hostile to

مُضَادّ حَيَوِيّ m

antibioticsubstance that destroys or inhibits bacteria

جِسْم مُضَادّ

antibodyprotein that binds to a specific antigen

رِيَاح مُضَادَّة f

headwindwind that blows directly against the course of a vessel

مَادَّة مُضَادَّة f

antimattermatter composed of antiparticles

هُجُوم مُضَادّ m

counter-attackan attack made in response to an attack by the opponents

counter-offensiveattack made in response to a previous offensive

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