Arabisch-Englisch Wörterbuch »

مَلَك bedeutet auf Englisch

مَلَك m

angelmessenger from a deity

مَلَك الْمَوْت m

angel of deathpersonification of death in fiction and in art

مَلَك اَلْمَوْت m

Azraelangel of death

مَلَك مَوْت m

angel of deathpersonification of death in fiction and in art


governto exercise sovereign authority in

haveto possess

ownhave rightful possession of

possessto have (something) as, or as if as, an owner


Malakalcity in South Sudan

مَلَكُوت السَّمَاوَات

Kingdom of HeavenChristian concept


royaltyrank, status, etc. of a monarch

مَلَكِيَّة دُسْتُورِيَّة f

constitutional monarchymonarchy limited by laws and a constitution

مَلَكِيَّة مُطْلَقَة f

absolute monarchyrule


imperialrelated to an empire

regalof or having to do with royalty

royalof or relating to a monarch or his family

بَقْلَة الْمَلَك f

fumitoryany plant of genus ''Fumaria''

سُمُوَّتُهَا الْمَلَكِيَّة f

His Royal Highnessroyal title

سُمُوُّهُ الْمَلَكِيّ m

His Royal Highnessroyal title

غِذَاء مَلَكِيّ m

royal jellysubstance secreted by bees

مَاء مَلَكِيّ m

aqua regiamixture of acids