Arabisch-Englisch Wörterbuch »

مَعْلُوم bedeutet auf Englisch


activein grammar

knownthat whom other people know, renowned, famous

مَعْلُومَات f-p

informationcommunicable knowledge

intelligenceinformation about the enemy

مَعْلُومَات مُضَلِّلَة f-p

disinformationintentionally false information

مَعْلُومَاتِيّ m

informationalgiving, related to information

مَعْلُومَة f

factan honest observation

factsomething actual

informationcommunicable knowledge

messagecommunication, concept or information conveyed

تِقْنِيَّة اَلْمَعْلُومَات f

information technologythe practice of creating and/or studying computer systems and applications

تِكْنُولُوجِيَا اَلْمَعْلُومَات f

information technologythe practice of creating and/or studying computer systems and applications

حَرْب مَعْلُومَات f

information warfareuse of information in pursuit of an advantage over an opponent

صِيغَة مَعْلُوم f

active voicethe form in which the subject of a verb carries out some action

مَبْنِيّ لِلْمَعْلُوم m

active voicethe form in which the subject of a verb carries out some action