Arabisch-Englisch Wörterbuch »

مَجْلِس bedeutet auf Englisch

مَجْلِس f

chamberenclosed space similar to a room

chamberlegislative body

مَجْلِس m

boardmanaging committee

councilcommittee that leads or governs

dietcouncil of leaders

majliscouncil, assembly, or public meeting, in some Muslim countries or territories

meetinggathering for a purpose

parliamentinstitution with elected or appointed members

Senatelegislative body

مَجْلِس أَدْنَى m

lower housepart of a legislature

مَجْلِس أَعْلَى m

Senatelegislative body

مَجْلِس أُورُوبَا m

Council of European international organisation|CoE

مَجْلِس إِدَارَة m

board of directorsgroup of people elected by stockholders

مَجْلِس الشُّيُوخ m

senatethe upper house in some bicameral legislative systems

مَجْلِس النُّوَّاب m

House of Representativeslower house of parliament

مَجْلِس الْأَمْن الْأُمَم الْمُتَّحِدَة m

UN Security Councilinternational organ

مَجْلِس اَلشُّيُوخ اَلرُّومَانِيّ m

SenateRoman senate

مَجْلِس عَسْكَرِيّ m

juntaruling council of a military dictatorship

مَجْلِس عُلْوِيّ m

upper housepart of a legislature

مَجْلِس عُمُوم m

House of Commonslower house in UK or Canadian parliament

مَجْلِس لُورْدَات m

House of Lordsupper chamber of UK parliament