Arabisch-Englisch Wörterbuch »

مَار bedeutet auf Englisch

إِمَارَة f

emiratecountry ruled by an emir

إِمَارَة أَبُو ظَبْي f

Abu Dhabiemirate

إِمَارَة أَفْغَانِسْتَان الْإِسْلَامِيَّة

Islamic Emirate of Afghanistanfull, official name of Afghanistan

إِمَارَة دُبَيّ


إِمَارَة صِقِلِّيَة

Emirate of Sicilyhistorical emirate which ruled Sicily

الْإِمَارَات f-p

United Arab Emiratesid=Q878|country in Western Asia

الْإِمَارَات الْعَرَبِيَّة الْمُتَّحِدَة f-p

United Arab Emiratesid=Q878|country in Western Asia

الْكَنِيسَة الْمَارُونِيَّة

Maronite Church

اَلْمَارْكْسِيَّة ثَقَافِيَّة f

cultural Marxismconspiracy theory that cultural elements that were perceived to be propagating undesirable Marxist ideas by the Frankfurt School

اِسْتَعْمَارِيَّة f

colonialismpolicy of authority over people or territories

اِسْتِثْمَار m

investmentplacement of capital in expectation of deriving income or profit from its use

اِسْتِعْمَار m

colonizationprocess of establishing a colony

اِسْتِعْمَار جَدِيد m

neocolonialismcontrol or domination of one country by another

اِسْتِعْمَارِي m

colonialistor or pertaining to colonialism

اِسْتِعْمَارِيَّة f

imperialismthe policy of extending power, by force


colonialof or pertaining to a colony

اِسْتِمَارَة f

applicationa verbal or written request, especially for assistance or employment or admission to a school, course or similar

formdocument to be filled in

بَارَامَارِيبُو f

Paramaribocapital of Suriname


malingerto feign illness

جُزُر مَارْشَال f-p

Marshall Islandsid=Q709|Republic of the Marshall Islands



jackassmale donkey

حِمَار m

donkeya domestic animal|ass

donkeya fool

jackmale ass (the animal)

حِمَار الزَّرَد m

zebraAfrican animal

حِمَار بَرِّيّ m

wild assmammal

حِمَار وَحْش m

wild assmammal

حِمَار وَحْشِيّ m

zebraAfrican animal

حِمَار وَحْشِيّ مُخَطَّط m

zebraAfrican animal

حِمَارَة f

she-assfemale ass, female donkey, jenny

حِمَارِيّ m

asinineof or relating to a donkey

خَسّ الْحِمَار m

buglossany of several plants in the borage family

خَمَارَة f

pubpublic house

خُمَار m

hangovernegative effects caused by heavy drinking

خُمَار اَلسُّكْر m

hangovernegative effects caused by heavy drinking


headscarfpiece of material worn over the head

خِمَار m


veilcovering for a person or thing