Arabisch-Englisch Wörterbuch »

لم bedeutet auf Englisch

لغة المانشو


مائي المنشأ

aquageniccaused by contact with water

متعلِّق بالماضي

retrospectiveof, relating to, or contemplating the past

متلازمة المحتال

impostor syndromepsychological phenomenon in which a person is unable to internalize accomplishments

مستنقع المنغروف


مسكن ألم

analgesicmedicine that reduces pain

مكتب إدارة المشاريع

PMOProject Management Office

مُتَلَازِمَة نَقْص المَنَاعَة المُكْتَسَب f

acquired immune deficiency syndromeinfectious disease caused by HIV|AIDS

مُتَمَاثِل المَنَاحِي

isotropichaving properties which are equivalent in all directions

مُجْتَمَع المِيم

LGBTlesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender/transsexual

نجم البحر المكلل بالشوك

crown of thornsstarfish

نظريَة المعلومات

information theorybranch of applied mathematics

نقص المناعة m

immunosuppressionmedical suppression of the immune response

نَظَرِيَّةْ اَلمَعْرِفَة f

epistemologybranch of philosophy dealing with the study of knowledge


Haarlemcity in North Holland

Harlema neighborhood in northern Manhattan


Haarlemmermeermunicipality in North Holland

وادي الملكات

Valley of the Queens

وحدَة المعالجَة المَرْكَزِيَّة f

central processing unitpart of a computer

وحدَة تعريف المشترك f

Subscriber Identity Modulecomponent on a SIM card that stores information to identify a mobile phone user


Willemstadcapital city of Curaçao

وَحَدة العِنَايَة المُرَكَّزة f

intensive care unithospital ward for critically ill patients

وَقْت سلم السِّلْمِ

peacetimeperiod of peace

يقفز الى الماء

diveto jump into water


educateto instruct or train

ّغَسَلَ المُخ

brainwashto affect one's mind


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