Arabisch-Englisch Wörterbuch »

لص bedeutet auf Englisch

اَلْهِنْد اَلصِّينِيَّة f

Indochinapart of Southeast Asia

اَلْوَزْن اَلصَّافِي

net weightweight of a product

اِضْطِرَاب الْكَرْب التَّالِيّ لِلصَّدْمَة النَّفْسِيَّة

post-traumatic stress disordercondition that develops following some stressful situation

اِمْتِحَان مُسْتَوَى اَللُّغَة اَلصِّينِيَّة m


بَحْر الصِّين الشَّرْقِيّ m

East China Seaa sea

بَحْر الصِّين الْجَنُوبِيّ m

South China SeaPacific Ocean, between the Asian mainland and Taiwan, Borneo and the Philippines

بَرّ اَلصِّين اَلرَّئِيسِيّ m

mainland ChinaCommunist China understood via its geographical position

بَنَاتُ نَعْشٍ اَلصُّغْرَى

Little Dipperbright circumpolar asterism

بُرْج الصَّمْت m

tower of silencelow, cylindrical open-topped tower where Zoroastrians place the bodies of deceased people to disintegrate

بِنْزُوَات الصُّودِيُوم m

sodium benzoatethe sodium salt of benzoic acid

تاريخ انهاء الصلاحية

expiry datedate something expires


get rid ofremove

تَايْبِيه الصِّينِيَّة f

Chinese Taipeia name under which Taiwan participates in international organisations

تَحْتَ الصِّفْر

sub-zero(of a temperature) below 0°C

جزيرة الصقالب

Scandinavian Peninsulapeninsula in Northern Europe|Scandinavia

جَيْش التَحْرِير الشَعْبِيّ الصِينِيّ

People's Liberation Armyarmy branch

جُمْهُورِيَّة الصِّين f

Republic of Chinaid=Q865|country in East Asia

جُمْهُورِيَّةُ الصِّينِ الشَّعْبِيَّةُ f

People's Republic of Chinaid=Q148|official name of China

جِهَاز اَلْغُدَد اَلصَّمَاء m

endocrine systemsystem of ductless glands

حُرِّيَّة اَلصِّحَافَة f

freedom of the pressright of media to disseminate ideas and opinions

حِفْظ الصِّحَّة m

hygieneconditions and practices that promote and preserve health

خط الصدع m

fault linegeology: intersection

خَانَة الصَدَاقَة f

friend zonesituation

رَأْس السَّنَة الصِّينِيَّة

Chinese New YearChinese New Year

Lunar New YearLunar New Year

رَأْس اَلرَّجَاء اَلصَّالِح m

Cape of Good Hopea cape in southwestern South Africa

رَصّ الصُّفُوف

close ranksto regroup forces

سرعَة الصوت f

speed of soundspeed at which sound is propagated

سَفِينَةُ الصَّحْرَاء f

ship of the desert

سُور اَلصِّين اَلْعَظِيم m

Great Wall of ChinaChinese fortification

صلصة السمك f

fish saucecondiment composed of fermented fish

صَلْصَةْ اَلصُّويَا f

soy saucea condiment and ingredient made from fermented soybeans

صُنِعَ فِي الصِّينِ

made in Chinamanufactured in the PRC

صُنْدُوق الصَّادِر m


outboxelectronic folder

عُلْبَة الصَّادِر f

outboxelectronic folder

عُود الصَّلِيب m

peonyPaeonia genus of flowering plants

عِلْم الصِّحَّة m

hygienescience of health

عِلْم اَلصَّيْدَلَة m

pharmacologyscience that studies the effects of chemical compounds on living animals

عِلْم حِفْظ الصِّحَّة m

hygienescience of health