Arabisch-Englisch Wörterbuch »

كل bedeutet auf Englisch

كل زق

picometer10-12 of a meter

كل من ... و ...


كل نصف ساعة

half-hourlytwice an hour

كلب بري إفريقي

African hunting dog''Lycaon pictus''


giant fennel''Ferula communis''

كلما كان أرخص كان أفضل

the'''the''' + ''comparative'', '''the''' + ''comparative''

كلمة الله

Logos(Christianity) the word of God as incarnate

WordCreative word of God


chlorinateto add chlorine to

كلوريد الصوديوم

sodium chloridechemical term for table salt; NaCl

كلوي f

Chloefemale given name


Klyazmariver in Russia, left tributary of the Oka

كليلَة ودمنَة

Panchatantraa collection of Sanskrit and Pali animal fables in verse and prose



كلَابَات اَلتَّمْوِيج

curling irona heated cylindrical device for curling the hair


mealfood that is prepared and eaten

السيدَة كلوز f

Mrs. ClausWife of Santa Claus

الكل و يزيد

all and sundryall; everyone

اَلْعُصُورُ ٱلْكلَاسِيكِيَّةُ ٱلْقَدِيمَةُ

classical antiquitythe Greco-Roman period of history


Brooklynborough of New York City

بشكل كبير

greatlyto a great extent

بشكل معقول

reasonablynot extremely


BerkeleyA city

تعرف على الكلام m

speech recognitionsoftware function that processes spoken input

تَصَرَّفَ شكل بِشَكْل

behaveto act in a polite or proper way

حرق الشمعة من كلتا الجِهَتَين

burn the candle at both endswork hard night and day

حليب بالشوكلاته

milk chocolatechocolate that includes milk powder as one of its ingredients

شكل الجبل

montiformhaving the shape of a mountain

على كل حال

anywayused to indicate that a statement explains or supports a previous statement

قبرة كلاندرا

calandra lark''Melanocorypha calandra''

محاكمة شكلية

show trialtrial held for appearance's sake

نجم البحر المكلل بالشوك

crown of thornsstarfish

نظريَة كل شيء

theory of everythingtheory of everything

