Arabisch-Englisch Wörterbuch »

قُرْص bedeutet auf Englisch

قُرْص m

discusround plate-like object for throwing

diska thin, flat, circular plate

hockey puckpuck used in hockey

pillsmall object for swallowing

قُرْص سِي دِي m

compact discoptical disc used to store data

قُرْص صُلْب m

hard diskunit and all the disks within it

hard drivedevice used for storing large amounts of data

قُرْص لُعْبَة اَلْهُوكِي m

hockey puckpuck used in hockey

قُرْص مَرِن m

floppy diskflexible disk used for storing digital data

قُرْص مَضْغُوط m

compact discoptical disc used to store data

قُرْص وَامِض m

flash drivestorage device

قُرْصَان m

hackerone who uses a computer to gain unauthorized access to data stored in, or to carry out malicious attacks on, computer networks or computer systems

pirateone who plunders at sea


flatbreadthin, flat bread

قُرْصُ المُصْطَرِبَة m
