Arabisch-Englisch Wörterbuch »

قَلْب bedeutet auf Englisch

قَلْب m

anagramword or phrase created by rearranging letters from another word or phrase

قَلْب القَوْصَرَة

tympanumtriangular space between the sides of a pediment

قَلْب الْعَقْرَب


قَلْب اَلأَسَد

Lionheartnickname of Richard I of England

قَلْب مَكَانِيّ m

metathesisthe transposition of letters, syllables or sounds within a word

قَلْب مُسْتَوٍ m

palindromea sequence of units that reads the same forwards as backwards


cardiacpertaining to the heart

اِحْتِشَاء قَلْبِيّ m

heart attackacute myocardial infarction

جِهَاز قَلْبِيّ وِعَائِيّ m

cardiovascularrelating to the circulatory system

حَشِيشَة الْقَلْب f

St. John's wortany plant of the genus ''Hypericum''

خَالِي اَلْقَلْبِ

carefreeworry free, light hearted, etc.

رَقِيق اَلْقَلْب

kindheartedhaving an innately kind disposition or character

سَكْتَة قَلْبِيَّة f

cardiac arrestcessation of the heartbeat resulting in the loss of effective circulation of the blood

طِبّ اَلْقَلْب m

cardiologystudy of the structure of the heart

عَنْ ظَهْرِ ٱلْقَلْبِ

by heart

غَلِيظ الْقَلْب

hardheartedlacking in compassion

قَاسِي الْقَلْب

hardheartedlacking in compassion

كَسِير الْقَلْب

heartbrokensuffering from grief

مَرَض الْقَلْب التَّاجِيّ m

coronary artery diseasedisease of the heart

مُخَطَط كَهْرَبِيَّة اَلْقَلْب

electrocardiogramtrace of an electrocardiograph

نَبْضُ القَلْب m

heartbeatone pulsation of the heart

pulsationregular throbbing of the heart